31 October 2012

Energy bars

I've been working on the energy bars for my flash game, I looked at a few different things, for example archery targets for the accuracy bar, but I really like what i've come up with now. the colours are not finalised though.

30 October 2012


I've built a simple model of my uni computer then UVmapped it and added the textures in photoshop.

the model isn't great but it was mainly a UVmap and texture exercise.

27 October 2012

Still on the self portrait :/

I'm working on my self portrait tonight, i'll update this every so often when i've progressed


Dont think i'm going to do to much more this evening :-/

24 October 2012

Digital Self Portrait

Today i've been out doing sketches from life, totally makes me feel like a pervert, sitting drawing people who are unaware they're being sketched.

I am starting to see the benefits of doing it though, its made me a lot quicker at getting my important lines down on the page.

I've also been experimenting with digital painting, its the first time i've really used my new tablet for anything other than basic tutorials.

I'm trying to paint a self portrait:

I started by doing a quick line sketch.... I left the mouth out because I never get them looking right in line drawings, I'm hoping to wing it later.

I haven't really got any experience with using colour so i'm using the techniques i've picked up from life drawing. Picking out the blocks of light and dark I can see when looking at myself.

I know its not best practice from what i've read about digital painting but I started to pick out some of the main features of my face, just to see what it was roughly going to look like.
Doing it this way has actually helped me.

I've started filling in the gaps i'd left from the first part. Personally I can actually see myself now, which is quite a weird feeling as a total novice.

This is just the last image with the line drawing layer turned back on.

I haven't really stuck to any of the guidelines i've read for doing digital art work, which will probably cause issues at some point, i've also used more layers than in any of the tutorials.

I'm still enjoying myself though.

For the rest of this piece and future projects, i'll be more strict about the way I set up my scene and the way I manage my Layers.

Random days work

So I'm a few weeks into uni now and I've decided after speaking with a few people that keeping a blog is probably a good idea, not 100% what I'm expected to write or post in it so I apologise for any crap you look at or read.

Currently I am working on four projects, the work for these is what i'll be posting here.